So readign all these craft blogs by women who have made a living on their crafts has really inspired me. I don't think I could make a living off it at this point in time but I defiantly want to get the word out on what I'm doing and make more stuff for more people and maybe a little money : ) .
Well I've always loved going to little festivals and we've got this great on in town every March called Azalea Festival that I love. I'm going to try and have enough stuff ready to have a booth set up. I'm super excited!! I've started planning on what needs to be done between now and then. It's going to be a lot to do but I think it'll be worth it. I have like 3 festivals & arts & craft shows that I have plans on going to between now and then so I'll be taking notes on how things are set up at those and maybe talking to some people for any newbie advise.